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PHOTOS: Jonathan Bailey, RuPaul, Antoni Porowski & all the queerest looks of the week

Wilson Cruz’s tuxedo serve, Laverne Cox‘s sheer eleganza, Nymphia Wind’s royal slayage, or Brandon Flynn’s peek-a-boo vest moment, the lewks looks did not disappoint.Click through to peep all of your favorite stars rockin’ sickening getups from the last seven days…Pleats never looked so good.JBK’s is giving us a buzz from this gorgeous wine colored suit and lace top at the Gold Gala in LA.Wilson sizzled in this all black tuxedo ensemble at the GLAAD Media Awards in NYC.Too much slayage for one photo at the Gold Gala in LA.The Juice actors brought their fashion A game to the BAFTA Television Awards in London.The Drag Race winner stunned in this regal getup at the Gold Gala in LA.Brandon rockin’ the perfect summer vest at Evan Ross Katz’s Chaos Dinner in NYC.Mama Ru serving executive realness at the premiere of Bob Mackie: Naked Illusion in LA.Lily shined in this liquid gown at the opening night of the Cannes Film Festival in France.Antoni was all about texture in this navy number at the Disney Upfronts in NYC.The blue carpet was no match for Harvey’s sickening suede shoes at the Disney Upfronts in NYC.Giving the crowds at the Cannes Film Festival all the floral eleganza they could handle.Jake demonstrating how to pull off an elevated casual look at a theater performance of People, Places & Things in London.Troye just brought back bolo ties at the Cannes Film Festival in France.The Baby Reindeer star and the bi rapper kept it stunning at Evan Ross Katz’s Chaos Dinner in NYC.

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